The myth of Bigfoot, an elusive primate-like cryptid, is known throughout most of North America. There is a version of Bigfoot for nearly every biome across the States. One variant native to the swampy regions of the Southeast is known for the rancid, animal-pen like stench. In Dungeons and Dragons we have monsters that are similar, but no beasts that are exactly like it. Today we use the tools from the Dungeon Masters Guide to create this monster for our games.
Starting from Scratch (and sniff)
We have more than a few stat blocks to choose from when creating this monster; the ape, giant ape, and garillon: a four-armed monstrosity from the Tomb of Annihilation module. All three make great foundations for the Skunk Ape but today we’ll use the Giant Ape stat block. The Giant Ape has a higher CR, making it a good monster to throw at a party around level 7.
To start we look at monsters that already exist that might have the features we need in the Monster Manual there are two monsters that have abilities I want to cannibalize for the new stat block:
The Stench ability of the Troglodyte
The Kenku’s mimicry ability
The lore behind the skunk ape is convoluted, like every good urban legend should be. By looking at what the cryptid is best known for we can get an idea of how we want our monster to shape out. A wretched stench, untraceable tracks, and the ability to mimic sounds.
The stench ability from the troglodyte will fit perfectly for the skunk ape’s odor. The Stench ability causes any creature within range to be affected by the poisoned condition if they fail a constitution save, on a success the creature is immune to the effect for 1 hour and suffers no side effects.
Next is the Skunk Apes ability to elude being captured by both traps and film. Everyone has seen the blurry photos and amateur footage of Bigfoot. Even though most Dungeons and Dragons settings lack the technology for a camera, we can still represent this ability by using the Pass without Trace spell, adding a +5 to stealth checks and making it impossible to track the skunk ape unless your players resort to magic.
The bigfoot is also known in parts of the US for using mimicry to fool would be hunters and prey. From the Monster Manual we have the kenku’s Mimicry ability which allows the monster to perfectly replicate any sound it has heard. Birdsong, forest noises and childlike voices could be used by the monster to lure creatures into a trap by mimicking familiar sounds.
To keep from bloating the stat block we’ll stop there with new abilities. But the skunk ape is more than a dumb beast, to reflect the beasts heightened intelligence I want to add a few skill proficiencies. We’ll add to the base creature: survival, stealth, and intimidation.
Survival helps the monster in the wild, and can also be used to scout for traps if you’re party likes to set traps.
Here I decreased the size of the Giant Ape from Huge to Large, but kept the rest of the stats pretty close to the original creature. Here are a few more ways to spice up this monster when using it in your game:
Change the creature type to Monstrosity instead of Beast. This would especially work well for a ranger who’s favored enemy is monstrosities.
If you like the idea of your monster being a dumb animal instead of subbing in proficiencies, add Keen Hearing and Sight to the Skunk Ape granting advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
Add a breath weapon attack like that of a young green dragon that deals poison damage. Rename it Putrid Belch, and have it recharge by rolling a d6 (recharge on 5-6).
The Skunk Ape would be a great monster to use in a horror themed campaign where the tables are turned on the Player Characters and they become prey of the monster. On the reverse side, using its modified intelligence, the Skunk Ape may be a protector, safe guarding the balance of nature. Lastly, embracing the real world inspiration the Skunk Ape could be the final remaining specimen for a naturalists collection. Your party could be tasked with bringing back a trophy to prove once and for all the creatures existence.
How would you use the Skunk Ape in your campaign? What abilities do you think might fit instead of the ones I chose above? Let me know in the comments.